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Exposure Triangle

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The ISO (International Standards Organisation) is the sensitivity of the sensor (or film) to light.The lower the ISO is, the higher the quality of the photograph. A good quality image means that it is clear and without 'noise'. The term 'Noisy' means that the image appears pixelated. Low light conditions?A high ISO takes a low quality photograph. This means that the photograph will be shown and known as noisy.

The ISO can be changed from 100 - 3200.

100, 200, 400. 800, 1600, 3200


The Aperture on a camera is measured in F-stops,a large aperture gives more exposure to the image, and a small aperture gives less exposure.

F1.8, F2.6, F3.2, F4.5, F5.6, F8, F11, F16, F29, F32

Shutter Speed

Slow Shutter Speed gives more exposure, whereas fast Shutter Speed gives less exposure.

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